The End of an Era

Well, doesn't time fly when you're spending all of your free time studying! Over the last few months I've been at the crunch-point in my student-life, sitting January exams, beginning my second wave of coursework, revising for second-wave exams, and of course writing that much dreaded dissertation. To say the least, the last few months have been busy. But...

...I am extremely glad to say that I have officially submitted my dissertation, marking the last of my deadlines, and more importantly, the end of my university experience!

Whilst I'm overcome by relief, it hasn't sunk in that I can put the books away and actually enjoy my free time without waves of guilt washing over me, but I'm sure I can rise to the challenge of relaxing in no time. My time at UWE was full of ups and downs, but I take pride in knowing that I have worked consistently and to my full capacity over such a long stretch of time, and look forward to all of the amazing things I have lined up this summer!

Whilst I'm keen to begin the job hunt, I want to enjoy some time of guilt-free indulgence after a hard but rewarding 3 years, but nonetheless I expect I won't be able to resist sending a few CV's here and there. So, next on my agenda is to do all of the things I've been fantasising about whilst living in my room surrounded by mind-maps and textbooks. I have a trip to my favourite spot in Cornwall, Bristol's 'Love Saves the Day' festival, my 21st birthday, holidaying in Turkey, and Truck music festival all to look forward to! I'm overwhelmed by excitement at closing a brilliant chapter of my life and beginning a new and equally exciting one, and will be sure to document my journey.


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